BBNC board and staff extend our sincere condolences to the family and friends of those who have passed on:

Kerry Abel
78, Newport, OR

Charles Anderson Jr.
50, Browning, MT

Herman Anelon
68, Iliamna, AK

Elia S. Ansaknok
42, Fairbanks, AK

Andrew E. Ansaknok
47, Fort Yukon, AK

Pauline M. Bentley
88, Bellingham, WA

Robert D. Blair Jr.
41, Anchorage, AK

Tanya Brown
61, Reno, NV

Agnes H. Carlson
83, Wasilla, AK

Dean M. Chetkovich
84, Allen, TX

Edna O. Combs
75, Vancouver, WA

Sandra J. Crownhart
67, Anchorage, AK

Harvey G. Franklin Sr.
57, Togiak, AK

Ronald R. Gordon
70, Wasilla, AK

Claudine H. Greene
68, Anchorage, AK

Ross M. Greenley
38, Anchorage, AK

Paul A. Hansen
28, Quinhagak, AK

Katherine M. Jones
89, Anchorage, AK

William J. Laddrout Sr.
82, Ellensburg, WA

Dean Lange
99, Bellevue, WA

Andrew D. Maud
54, Kalskag, AK

Leroy L. Nanalook
57, Togiak, AK

Karl P. Post
64, Bainbridge Island, WA

Olga J. Riley
84, Anchorage, AK

Linda L. Roehl
74, Anchorage, AK

Helen L. Roehl
30, Wasilla, AK

Rosa J. Schlosser
21, Wasilla, AK

Wayne F. Schroeder
79, Anchorage, AK

Ernest Setuk
82, Levelock, AK

Anne M. Stepanoff
80, Anchorage, AK

Pearl A. Strub
66, Dillingham, AK

Christopher W. Walunga
56, Chicago, IL

Renee Wilbur
62, Metlakatla, AK





